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Material recovery

Material recovery

Waste paper is generally divided into four categories: cowhide cartons, newspapers, white paper, mixed paper。After the recycled waste paper is handed over to the antiquities dealer or recycling truck, it is sent to the waste paper dealer in the big market for sorting and packaging, and then sent to the paper mill for pulping, deinking, and packaging.

Tianjin waste materials recycling

Waste paper is generally divided into four categories: kraft cartons, newspapers, white paper, mixed paper。After the recycled paper is handed over to the antiquities dealer or recycling truck, it is sent to the paper dealer in the big market for sorting and packaging, and then to the paper mill for pulping, deinking, paper making, drying, and then to be made into recycled paper。

Waste recycling includes old and unused materials, including scrap, which can be recycled as renewable resources。Materials with little surplus value in daily production and life。Including: waste, waste, second-hand, inventory, production and living materials。Such as scrap metal, waste paper, recycled plastics, etc。There are even a considerable number of parts in used household appliances that can be reused as renewable resources。Waste is also a resource, but it is not valued by people。For a long time, we have been adhering to the traditional concept of throwing away old goods and throwing away waste products。This not only affects the ecological environment, but also these "treasures" have a certain economic value, and material recycling is now a very popular form of life。

Material recycling: new and old production materials (materials) recycling, the useful materials are separated from the new and old production materials, physical or mechanical processing, and become recycled products。

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